Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Come Back!

Hi. Its been a very long time since my last post.
and just now i had just review all my posts... from the first till the last..
i noticed how time flies this fast. I made this blog right the moment i turn 14.. and now i am going 21 in 10 days! (yay, legal year)
this past few years had been a adventure for me..
not only love life, but also friendship, family, and many other things.
Well, lets start talking about friendship first?
The more older version of me realise that the less best friend you have, the less drama u have too. I remembered when i was in senior high school back then, i used to have a lot of drama with my gang. Not only about me and someone else, but sometimes is about gang vs another gang. And yeah... you  know.. when u are close with someone, u will know their habit, behaviour, what their really thinks and others.
I am quite a easy going person and I love to meet new friends. I have many friends. But the thing is, i love to observe and learn what people think. New friends can be fun, thus the old friend could be not match with you anymore because of many factors too, like, living in different society creates different thinking. But I cant blame them, or they cant blame me. It is natural thing. People change. So do I, and so do you.
In spite of this, I only have few best friends that i really care... And i care about them :) so cheers for our friendship, friends. I will always be there when u guys need me! (ps : u know i am a loyal person right?)
I also learn that the more u less to care about what people talk about you, the more happy and peaceful life you get!!! Well, i used to be a anger person back then. I hate when people started talk about me (talked about nonsense thing of course!) But now, i think its fair when they want to talk alllll thing about me (bad or good) cause heyyyy! They are human and they have a right to speak with their mouth.
So i pretend to do this three step:
- Hear no evil. Just close your ears
- Smileeeeeeee :)
- And breath.
- HOLA!!! it will calm down your mind and you get happy life... just not think what others thinks about you, because what you did and who u really are, cuman kamu yang tahu. :)
and i live my life happily, when i dont care about what they think about  me. and i always change, to be a better person !

see u guys next time :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

greetings :)

hayyy guysssss....
long time no posting..
kinda miss you all...

the reason why i stop blogging for a while is because i have no time to settle up my blog.. im too busy for my school..

and now I'M BACKKKK ... !!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Can't beat on it

Hello guys..
So how about I tell you guys my last holiday ?
Last holiday, I went to Jakarta with my grandmere.. There I went to a lot of shopping malls (as usual) , and felt the fresh air of Jakarta... :p I used to lived there 3 years ago..
Now, I want to share the FOOD photos I took at Jakarta...
Enjoy it ;)

Laguna Restaurant, Located at Jakarta
ikan asin and terasi <3 style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 400px; height: 300px;" src="" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5371311562758781250" border="0">cah kangkung
tahu kipas

It's a pity that I forgot to took "ikan goreng gurame terbang" photos.. It's really delicious :(

-Makanannya enak, harganya juga standard
-Pesanan yang diorder datangnya cepat
-pesan Es Teh Tawar karena lebih ekonomis ( Es Teh Tawar gelasnya gedeeeee)
-Sambelnya mak nyusssssss, pedas-asem terasa sampai di kerongkongan :)
-penerangan kurang(remang-remang)
-pesan IKAN GORENG GURAME dan TAHU KIPAS. Dijamin enaaaaaaak!!!!!!!


Friday, July 31, 2009

Cinderella Story

Hahaha.. watching another cinderella story for many times, but never get bored. The story is really fresh, and also there is ANDREW SEELEY there! andrew is really really cool, . He is my new boy :p
So after watching another cinderella story, My family and I were going to Cazasuki Italian food located at Jl. Sudirman .. My family like to have dinner there , the food is delicious.
Here are the photos!!!!!
Chicken Steak
Fish & Chips
Cazasuki Prawns

Review dikit yah tentang makanannya... Makanan disini rata-rata enak semua kok.. Hehe ... Dan aku nyoba menu baru.. Cazasuki prawns.. enak sih.. udang nya gede + dilapisi roti tawar trus digoreng... yum! happy eating


Home Made

I was lazy to go out looking for a lunch, and so did my Mom. So my mom asked me to cooked by myself. WAW! What?! I love cooking!!!! So I tried to make Rice Ball ( recipe from janet's blog) and made a tomatoes potatoes (recipe by me) . My mom said my rice balls is terrible (is okay..) but my tomatoes potatoes taste really good!
Okay, fine... I'll make it again someday..
So, now, feel the taste by photos... :p

put into the freezer for about 15 minutes
fry it

decorated by my self. hahaha good looking, isn't it?


Thursday, July 30, 2009


Long time no see, how are you, readers?

Okay2... long time no update my blog.. feeling that I almost forget my blog hahhahaah
too many food photos (I'll upload it soon)
and I'll renovate my blog ..

if usually I just upload the food photos and give the name on it,., now I'll give my review in every food that I eat.. so that at least you guys can recognized the foods mode...

okay, be patient :)


Saturday, July 4, 2009


Heeey Guys... Gimana kabarnya semua??
Selama hampir 3 mingguan g absen ngeblog....
G comeback lagii!! Wo Hooy

Jadi ceritanya selama 2 mingguan kemaren gw ke Jakarta.. SUMPAH gw fun banget lah disana... Tiap ari hang out sampai tipis kantong gw +.+ hwhwhwhw... Jadi gw mau review wislisht gw dulu :
- Ke LB!!!
- waterboom moment sama si Kelly (sepupuku yang ad di foto) dan main air sampai puas *bukan berenang, soalnya si Kelly ga bisa berenang*
- mam soursally which is my favorite, and of course MANGDU!!! yeyyy *belanja sampai puas*
- jelajahin berbagai mall di Jakarta *of course*
- hang out with anak MGS ( Miya, cele, and others) and ketemuan ma Kepin Ndut*mau nagih oleh-oleh*
- nonton MTV MOVIE AWARDS 2009 di global tv sampai habis! It's a must *ada RobPattinson*
- jalan-jalan sore di taman *emang penting?*
- bioskop 3D *pengen nyoba* dan blitzmegaplex
- Ke museum Bank Mandiri *kalo ada yang ngajak*
- BANDUNG BANDUNG*kalo sempat*

ternyata hampir semua wislisht g tercaapai !!!!